Tuesday, May 22, 2007


Could someone please tell me how to post your links on my blog. I just thought it would be polite to let people know about your blogs too. I just don't know how.


1 comment:

Patrick68W said...

hey sergeant, if you're using the new elements templates (the new easier version of blogspot) you just "add new element" under your element editor under templates, pick the links element and just start filling in links.

If you're using the old ones, use a template that has links in the sidebar already, then go into HTML view and just fill in over the examples, copying and pasting new lines when necessary.

You probably have the former, though, so just go into your settings for this blog, then the template tab at the top right, then Page elements, then in that layout screen with all the boxes, click the sidebar "add a page element" button.